Genesis 50:20-22 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And He reassured them and spoke kindly to them.
Lord, I believe You have good things to come for our broken world!
You are the almighty healer!
And I believe You alone can do immeasurably more
than what we can ask for or imagine!
I believe the time is now for us to bond in unity,
believing the promises of Your word bestowed to us many years ago.
I believe you are rising up holy leaders in our nations to overcome
the evil powers that man is using to rip us apart.
With Your spirit in us, we have compassion to love others.
With the hope of Your word, we believe good things will come to pass.
With the love of Your son, and His sacrifice for eternity with You,
Through Your mighty will, just as you set the stars in heaven, all knees will bow.
I believe you have miraculous healings and salvation
in store for our nation, our world.
I believe you want to give peace to those in fear.
Those who have doubt, a trust in You everlasting.
That you will provide a way to healing strength
even where we still see no way.
That where there is lack, you will multiply
an abundance of goodness beyond understanding.
That you will instill in us a desire to love others
and trust in You without boundaries.
The hope of a nation and the world being reconciled to You!!
All in Your holy and mighty name, AMEN!