You saw the tears I fought to hide,
while you whispered truth yet meant no harm, "You'll forgive but you won't forget",
gently spoken with unbridled charm.
A piercing arrow straight through my heart,
shall I soon not forget, When I fell into the depths of hell,
and lost my way in the endless pit.
You heard me wish I could erase
my addiction from your past,
A time to focus on you,
lost in pain substances can't mask.
You questioned why God allowed
such evil to taint your dimming glow,
Why poison stole a mom who taught
of God's love not long ago.
A delirious mind haunted by questions
slashing straight to the core,
Under the curse of this addiction,
my mind absorbed no more.
Today in recovery,
with His forgiveness I'll forever strive,
That redemption in my darkest hour
points to the truth He's still alive!
God was close in those hellacious days,
and why I'll never know,
But by no other way than mysterious grace,
He never let me go.
God knew He needed to be my strength
interceding with all His might,
For I was surely sinking fast,
and much too weak to fight.
And even though I'll never know
how it came to be, He also knew that on this earth,
He was not yet done with me.
I had more purpose to fulfill,
more journeys to embark,
A mom cheering on successes
as you leave your glorious mark.
Shining through adversity
it's His strength that pulled me through,
To love you unconditionally,
to watch your dreams come true.
The purpose of my life renewed,
received with unworthy grace,
To play a part in your destiny
while on this earthly place.
And who you may now become,
because I'm now awake,
The palm tree that got shaken,
was bent but did not break.
So forgive me, yes, but don't forget,
I pray for great relief,
As you rise above the mountains
of sorrow and disbelief.
May this victory remind you,
as it's done for me,
in the deepest depths of darkness,
in God's glory we are free.